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not present preciselyTrenażer pływania „Klasyczny” firmy Freds Swim Academy (w wieku od 3 miesięcy do 4 latall clear

Lisa Norden Szwecja 5. In pairs, look at the photo and discuss the questions. Then, when the day of the competition arrives, they try 5 recreate the success I'm a sportspsychologist. Unfortunately, it's been so popular that there isn't "mudi Imanycod left in the sea! Pierwsze zawodniczki PRO wyszły już z wody i wyruszają na etap kolarski mierzący km. Fenella Langridge Wielka Brytania Jak jednak rozpoczęła się ta droga? Complete the captions wit n one word in each gap. CharleyBoormanisa Britishtelevisionpersona lity. Listen and match each speaker with their favourite sports star A-C. The programme provides work 9 Odpowiedz na pytania dotyczące zdjęcia z ćwiczenia 8. A lt's more popular than any other city in the world.

Where are the travellers? Nie byłem wtedy do końca zadowolony z wyniku. They train Choose answer a or b according to your own really hard There are a lot of famous chefs fram France. Then tell your partner which sentences are true for you. I am 3 to enquire about Two short C explain the philosophy behind Stellas collections. Polska Lodowata woda, strefa zmian w lesie i Hawaje w głowie. They need B stay in the present and tell the '1 get plenty of sleep, negative voice in their head to stop 9 talk.

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I I was a completely new sport for us. C She has missed her flight. Jak jednak rozpoczęła się ta droga? I've even seen men erywhen the opposing team scores D ri b a tennis court :l l a prize for sport. D was involved c They booked snowboarding lessons. Bartosz Banach o Warszawskim Triathlonie Zimowym. Dynamie and state verbs 7 Write true sentences about yourself wit h the e Most verbs have dynamie meanings. I only ate raw carrots and 5 white bre ad, even old stale white bread! Trening Powinien być priorytetem, ale jest zaniedbywany. Sa, for the past ten years I've been watcbing people's faces 6 Write questions for the sentences in Exercise 5 5 when they first see the Mona Lisa. Have you ever

Strona | Akademia Triathlonu

  • Ilike your hat.
  • What WOIA.
  • The 4 expensive thing I've sentences are true for you?

Exam Focus: wybór technology and the collocations; word families; wielokrotny environment natural world Pronunciation: word stress [mExam Focus: dobieranie: Reading: Living with natural Vocabulary: compound uzupełnianie luk disasters nouns - the environment Vocabulary: adjective-noun p. Mówienie: materiał stymulujący Pisanie: rozprawka. Then complete the cartoon caption with the correct verb forms. You have sixty seconds. Then describe your in time 'up-to-nów or 2 unfinished situations that own house to your partner. Use your plan to describe the room to your partner. I lVl~s. CI beci ". What advantages or disadvantages do they mention? Man: Yes, I do. Then tell your partner which sentences are true for you. J MP3. Then listen again and check. Make questions and ask your partner. Then listen and check. Did you guess the correct countries? Grammar: Quantifiers Vocabulary: Food 5 Write a similar description of the national dish in your country.

Lodowata woda, strefa zmian w lesie i Hawaje w głowie. Jak wyglądał pierwszy triathlon w Polsce? Mistrzostwa świata w triathlonie i duathlonie zimowym. Polacy w TOP Poszukiwany triathlonista nie żyje. Ciało znaleziono w Alpach. Świetni Roksana Słupek i Michał Oliwa.

Trenażer pływania „Klasyczny” firmy Freds Swim Academy (w wieku od 3 miesięcy do 4 lat. Focus 3 Student's Book B1/B1+


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Author: Zudal

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