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consider, thatpersona i occasionally wish to pamper myselfsomething and good

Are you sure you could handle all the adversity, ho? Um, are things OK at home? Prepare for the worst. Do it! Do you think they really mean it all the time? Slow-ass cashiers. Dismiss alert. No need to worry. Worth my while? Why do they like "making out"? Are you alright? Being a kid is tough. Ever feel like the things they do are annoying? I'm actually pretty busy.

Well, I need to see myself home soon Why arent you at school? At any rate, I give up. Sharing household chores. I find this happiness, leaving them all in the dust? When you eat curry, mister, what do you like to add? Hey, the hem on your cloak is super cute, where did you get it? An average level of happiness.

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Nice to meetcha! I feel like I understand you a little. Eh, Doesnt matter. Here i lay, at your feet, at your mercy. Why you not care for me like that? Times have changed. I endure it. Humans not seem satisfied to only capture beasts. Let's play tag. And yet… That may be because my life may also be meaningless. It pays the bills. You had a good run. Happy Birthday! I'm better at small talk.

Persona Negotiation Answers - Persona 5 Royal Walkthrough & Guide - GameFAQs

  • Sorry… Not my problem.
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You new? Did you just get hee-hired, ho? Nice to meetcha! Maybe I should try something new! Which is it, ho? I want an autograph. I want a photo. My chest is beating so fast. What is this feeling? Are you alright? Are you sure you could handle all the adversity, ho? TV Thing.. I want something yummy, ho! Tell me. How did you find out about me, ho? You do sound busy. Who cares? Humans always want either an autograph or selfie, ho. Which one is it, ho? My only choice now… is to retire, ho.

Q: - Why do you carry something like that with you, anyway? Q: - Why are you so interested in me, anyway? Skip to content. Sign in Sign up. You signed in with another tab or window.

Persona i occasionally wish to pamper myself. Persona 5 Negotiations PDF


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I'll listen to whatever you gotta say. A: You're beautiful. What does equality mean to you?

Author: Tur

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